SLB Verified Flekosteel
Joint pain balm and soothing ointment used to ease discomfort and improve mobility in case of high muscles and joint load.
Flekosteel pain relief balm’s formula contains plant extracts (freshwater sponge and callisia) and oils (fir, cayenne pepper, eucalyptus, rosemary, ginger and cinnamon), which have complementary and synergistic effect, aimed at immediately reducing the discomfort, cramps and bone pain, as well as contributing to its prevention. The beneficial heat therapy helps relieve tension.
Product form/Packaging: 50 ml tube.
Active ingredients: Freshwater sponge extract, Callisia extract, Fir oil, Cayenne pepper oil, Eucalyptus oil, Essential oils of Rosemary and Ginger, Vanilyl butyl ether, Essential oils of Cinnamon, Camphor, Corn oil, Urea, Betaine.
How to use: Apply 1–3 times on the body areas experiencing tension with light massage movements until completely absorbed.
Fatima –
After using and adhering to the instructions, I found noticeable results
Salem –
Very effective for pain
Abbass –
Flekosteel balm is a lifesaver for my joint pain! I’ve been using it for a few weeks now, and the relief it provides is incredible. It’s easy to apply and absorbs quickly, leaving no greasy residue. Highly recommend
Fairoz –
Flekosteel has truly improved my quality of life. It alleviates my joint pain effectively, allowing me to move more freely and enjoy my daily activities. I’m grateful for this fantastic product!
Kamila –
I’ve tried several products for my chronic joint pain, but Flekosteel Balm stands out from the rest. It provides long-lasting relief, and I appreciate the natural ingredients used
Najib –
Thank you for this amazing balm!
Hiba –
I suffer from arthritis, and this product has become my go-to for pain relief. It soothes my joints and muscles, providing a comforting sensation that lasts for hours.
Hamada –
The warming sensation eases my muscles and helps me feel better fast
Lina –
I really recommend to anyone who has body pain, it especially helped with my knee and backpain
Maryam Marjy –
Flekosteel is an amazing balm for joint pain
admin –
Flekosteel decreased my joint and body pain, it is really very helpful
Amr ahmed (verified owner) –
منتح بطل انصح بالاستخدام بعد التمرين.. 💪
Baro (verified owner) –
Algel Coays kteer khaff alalm
وضاح (verified owner) –
يخفف الآلام بشكل مش طبيعي منتج رهيييبب
زاهر –
انصح بيه أصحاب المهن ال فيها اجهاد عضلي وبدني متأكد يستخدموه بشكل اساسي ويومي لانو يريح الظهر ويخفف الألم
رضوان (verified owner) –
كنت اعاني من آلام رقبتي مده طويله اشتريت من فليكوستيل مره رهيب خففلي الآلم وصرت انام براحه كبيره 😌😍
Riyad (verified owner) –
مفاصلي بعاني من الالم من سنوات حربت استخدم منتجات كثيره بس بالآخر جربت فليكوستيل وارتحت عليه جدا
نايف (verified owner) –
احب أقول كلمة حق في هذا المنتج ريحلي رقبتي وظهري من السواقه وكثر الجلوس
عبد المولي –
مسكن للألم والم الظهر والمفاصل سريع المفعول
محروس (verified owner) –
مسكن حقيقي للآلام مفعول طويل يكفي استخدامو مرتين باليوم حجمو مناسب العبوه تكفي شهر
بدر (verified owner) –
يسكن الألم القوي وخصوصا الظهر
علياء –
اشتريت منو ماتوقعت يكون بالنتيجه هذي مره ممتاز ويخفف الالم
وعد (verified owner) –
بلسم مريح للمفاصل وألم الظهر
ميريهان –
اشتريت المنتج الأصلي من الموقع هنا وفعال حقيقي وخصوصا لآلام الظهر والرقبه ارتاحت عليه كثير وانصح بيه
باهر –
أفضل مسكن لالتهاب المفاصل والغضاريف